
March 13, 2009 0 Comments

I am so grateful to be spending this weekend in beautiful Jemez Springs, New Mexico, at a spiritual renewal retreat. My very good and enlightened friend Debi is hosting the event which combines yoga, Native American Medicine Wheel, sound vibration, healing breath, accupressure, Aryuvedic massage, meridian massage, movement, stillness, plus BrainGym in an incredible setting. While …


March 12, 2009 2 Comments

Yesterday I sent a very spiritually-minded friend an email asking her thoughts on my desire for change. As expected, she had some really cool words of wisdom. She told me to “…just let go.” I had to ask her what exactly it was that I needed to let go. She suggested that letting God know (and …

Our "Cool Energy" Gang

March 8, 2009 0 Comments

Saturday was another 10 hour marathon massage school day. Those days are the ones where ten of us spend all ten hours learning content, learning technique, practicing new skills, receiving massages, and becoming family. You just can’t spend that kind of time together and not do some bonding. Part of that bonding process was eating …

Listening Through Nature

March 6, 2009 0 Comments

For those of us who have deep roots in Judeo-Christian theology, sometimes listening for answers from Divine Power has significantly limited options. We grew up knowing that God answers prayers, but I’m not sure many of us have ever known exactly how he does that. I mean, yeah….it’s easy if you ask God for a …

Energy Matters

March 3, 2009 0 Comments

When you get right down to it, everything, every experience, every personal interaction emits some type of energy. My oldest and I have begun to make a game out of reading the energy of people and situations. Don’t get all uppity and weirded out on me, because you all do it. Everyone does it. There …

Happy Endings

March 1, 2009 0 Comments

I admit it. I am a little slow when it comes to sitting down to watch a movie. I might eventually get around to seeing one after it has been out for a couple of years. Another important detail about me is I don’t waste my time watching something that is just going to make …

The Important Stuff

March 1, 2009 0 Comments

When my husband and I were dating and first married, I was relatively neat. I would go to his house and wash up any dishes he had, pick up what might need to be picked up, and I had kept my room at college fairly clean. He had an image of me that apparently left …

The TAKS Man is Coming

February 27, 2009 0 Comments

TAKS testing starts on Tuesday, March 3rd bright and early in the morning. For those of you who aren’t involved in Texas education, TAKS stands for Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. TAKS is the judge, jury, and executioner for students and teachers in the state of Texas. The past two years have seen a …

Must Read

February 26, 2009 0 Comments

Take the time to check out It is an awesome post that aligns with the overall theme of this site.

Making a Difference

February 26, 2009 5 Comments

My Number Three child has made a significant contribution to my source of writing material. That is because she is such a gift to me in so many ways. She is wired much differently than her sisters. It’s not wrong or bad. It is just different, and it will most likely prove to serve her in ways …