2014 SIMPLE Conference Day 1

October 13, 2014 2 Comments

I am at the 2014 SIMPLE conference in Albuquerque, NM this week. SIMPLE stands for Symposium of Integrative Medicine Professionals in the Land of Enchantment. Let me tell you……these are my kind of people….and then some. I am surrounded by those who seek to identify evidence based practice among the complementary and integrative therapies and …

For The Men Lucky Enough to Win My Daughters

November 15, 2013 2 Comments

I was blessed to be loved by a man who knew how to be a great husband. I want my girls to be as blessed as I have been. There are several things I would like for the men in my girls’ lives to know…just in case no one ever told them: 1. Always make …

Weirdo Ideas to Rock Your World

November 15, 2013 0 Comments

There’s a fun little game of sorts that’s going around Facebook lately. Everyone is posting a list of little known things about themselves to share with the world. It got me to thinking about what sorts of things I would post. And then I realized my list would probably bring about the fall of the …

Getting My Summer Solstice On

June 21, 2013 2 Comments

Summer Solstice 2013 is here. In recent years, it seems to have become quite popular to have some sort of celebration or ritual on the solstices. Some suggest the earth’s energy is uniquely aligned at such times. Others simply mark it as a point of new beginning or transition in their lives. For me, it’s …

Redirected, Day 16

July 19, 2012 2 Comments

It’s been over two weeks since I got the news I already knew. It’s been over two weeks since I decided to be the proof of what I say I believe. It’s been over two weeks since I consumed dairy of any kind, and my only sugar has consisted of extremely small quantities of raw …

Redirected, Day 1

July 4, 2012 0 Comments

I was up until after midnight last night reading and processing the available information on nourishing my body back to health. It seems there are a number of considerations. I need to detox. I need to alkalize my internal environment. I need to drastically improve my red blood count. I have to decide what I …


July 4, 2012 2 Comments

It’s funny how things come along in life to serve as a point of redirection. Yesterday I got redirected. Yesterday I was given the opportunity to decide whether or not I truly believe what I say I believe…. ….about health, nutrition, wellness, medical intervention, and more. Yesterday I learned that I have fabulous cholesterol levels. …

What the Cross Means to Me

June 8, 2012 2 Comments

It was a dark, cloudy evening. Thunderstorms were all around and the lightning flashed almost constantly as we made our way back home from a night in the big city. …big by our standards anyway. As we approached Happy, Texas, there it was in the distance standing tall with lights illuminating it for all to …

Being Remembered

April 7, 2012 0 Comments

There has been little the past six months that has spawned my desire to blog. Thank God for Easter kicking my rebel mind into high gear. And a word of warning: If you are going to CHOOSE to be offended by what I say, stop reading and close this page. I don’t need the grief.  …

A Parable of Memoirs

August 21, 2011 2 Comments

Recently I’ve been reading and listening to some historical information on how the Bible as we know it came to be.  From the historian/scientist standpoint, it’s very difficult to accept the collection as literal true history once the facts surrounding the origin and compilation are made known. It simply isn’t logical given what we know …