Hormones, Drama, Raw Edges, & Rambling

March 28, 2011 6 Comments

I’m really curious as to whether hormone fluctuations attract emotional drama or just magnify what’s been there all along so that it becomes glaringly, blatantly, unignorable.


I don’t need this.

I need my brain chatter to shut up so my body can sleep at night.

I need the sun to shine today and the temps to warm up. So far today that hasn’t happened.

I need my thoughts to shift from what I perceive to be the current state of affairs to something more along the lines of beautiful non-radioactive oceans and crisp clear mountain air… Some place where my girls and I are goddesses surrounded by people with common sense and emotional stability oozing out of their pores.

I need people in my world to stop fighting and start loving like the Christians they claim to be, because right now, I don’t want whatever it is they have.

I need to understand why I feel responsible and powerless at the same time.

Or maybe I don’t, because then I have to “feel”.

I don’t really want to feel right now. I don’t want to feel responsible. I don’t want to feel powerless. I don’t want to cry.

I don’t want to be silent. I’ve been silent. Yet if I speak, I will hurt feelings and further damage relationships. I don’t want to hurt people.

So I remain silent.

I want this almighty powerful God that everyone says is in control of all things to fix it. I want the people who say God never gives/allows us more than we can handle to be smacked upside the head. There are plenty of good people who get more than their sanity can handle. No amount of prayer or giving it to God can change that.

Crap happens (not my preferred word, but my mom reads this stuff). Good people get hurt. It’s called life. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it sucks. People take on tasks for which they aren’t prepared. Parents get a bad wrap for wanting and expecting (even demanding) the best for their kids. Kids get caught in the middle and labeled spoiled brats by people who don’t know what the hell they are talking about. (Sorry, Mom. I blame the hormones.)

And sadly, in the big game of life, none of it really matters. Not. one. bit.

This is small potatoes.

Yet before you know it, the world of a teenager becomes a huge heavy burden. People she respected and admired six months ago are now bullies to be avoided in her mind. Adults who should know better act like self-centered three year olds mid-tantrum. Instead of asking where it all went wrong and how can we make it right, revenge becomes the reaction of choice.

And another of my goddesses learns that silence is far less painful than finding your voice. And she begins to think, “If only I can make it one more year, I’m outta here.”

Pain and stress change people for the worse.

I don’t like stress. Everyday I see how it ravages our bodies, especially negative stress. It ravages our minds, too. Rational thought flies out the window and our heads crawl painfully far up our arses when stress takes over.

Right now, my body is feeling it. I want to release it, but my hormones are holding on to it like it’s the last piece of chocolate on earth.

I can’t fix this. Speaking up puts me on a “side”. I don’t want to be on a side. I just want it to go away and for everything to be right again. I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt.

I want my kid to be happy, relaxed, and joyful. I want her to get to be a kid.

I want her world to rock again. All of it.


6 thoughts on “Hormones, Drama, Raw Edges, & Rambling”

  1. Interesting idea – do hormones attract drama or just magnify it?

    Too bad my hormonally affected brain can’t think clearly to give you and answer!

    Sunshine, “a romantic interlude”, and lots of dark chocolate should straighten things out just fine!

    1. Thank you. It already is better. Still no sunshine, and yet it’s all going to be okay. At least I am in a place now where I can feel the potential for the okay part. Circumstances haven’t changed, but my vibration has.

  2. Ach. Sometimes it’s not hormones; it’s just life. It’s that tired feeling of haven’t-we-been-through-this-before? It’s that exhaustion that comes from standing up for oneself. It’s the knowing that your child is on her own when it comes to life. You can’t live it for her.

    And I say this because I have a daughter, too. :)

    As my mom would always tell me, when I was in tears late at night, “Honey, just go to bed. It’ll all look different in the morning.” And wonder of wonders, it always did! Ha, ha. Seems like such trite advice now, but it always worked for me then. LOL.

    1. Very good advice. And yes, things looked much better today. They even looked better after lunch yesterday. As a matter of fact, I think I’ve said those words to my girls on occasion.

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