God is So Good…Really???

May 9, 2011 10 Comments

Just a few short thoughts today. My apologies in advance for the likelihood of a sarcastic tone. I’ve been watching updates this past week regarding an acquaintance who was attacked by a nasty infection which traveled through his body and landed in a bony area completely eating through part of the bone. He was ripped …

Vengeance via Weather is Mine, Saith the Lord

April 28, 2011 6 Comments

Raise your hand if you know someone who ever suggested or even truly believes Hurricane Katrina was God’s punishment for all the evil contained in New Orleans. Mine’s raised. I know people who believe it. Oh, and that Sodom and Gomorrah thing….that was a direct action of the Big Guy, too, wasn’t it? <insert dripping …

What Would Jesus Say?

April 8, 2011 2 Comments

Yesterday I posted the following video on my Facebook page: My comment that accompanied this video said simply, “Good message. Worth the watch, even if your stance is “worth the wait”.” Worth the Wait is a curriculum us Bible Belters use to terrorize our children into keeping their venereal diseases and their penises to themselves …

The Making of a Deity

March 31, 2011 4 Comments

If you’ve been following Catholic news in recent months, you may be aware that Pope John Paul II is on the fast track to beatification and eventual sainthood. The current pontiff has set a date to give his official validation of the necessary miracle required to point the deceased church leader in the direction of …

Asking Why

March 30, 2011 4 Comments

A lot of why’s have been on my mind lately. When I was a kid, growing up in the somewhat conservative Church of Christ, there were plenty of adults in my life life willing to tell me what I should believe. I didn’t ask a whole lot of why’s where church matters were concerned. That …

Preaching on the Gay Gene

February 23, 2011 15 Comments

Apparently one of our small town religious groups has awakened enough to recognize that just maybe it can acknowledge that science is suggesting there is a gene for homosexuality. Glory be. HOWEVER, apparently like the alcoholism gene, one can choose whether or not to act on that genetic urge. At least that’s what Sponge Bob …

Who Made Christ?

February 17, 2011 7 Comments

Who made Christ? Now there’s a loaded, cage-rattling question. I’d venture to bet the typical responses would range from “He’s always existed” to “God did” and everything in between. Now here’s my loaded, cage-rattling answer. Humans made Christ. Yep. I said that. I went there. “How dare she suggest such a thing?!,” you might indignantly …

The Connectors

February 3, 2011 4 Comments

Prejudice. Bigotry. Racism. These are very ugly words. So ugly, in fact, that when my first child was born over 20 years ago, a made myself a promise. As she and her sisters grew, I refused to use race as a descriptor in identifying their friends. I did not want my children to grow up …

Analysis of an Attitude

January 8, 2011 7 Comments

“I’ve come to the conclusion that the story of Jesus speaks directly against the things embodied in American Christianity (at least, its most prominent forms). It’s amazing how far it’s come when people who (frequently, loudly) call themselves his followers are most commonly associated with mocking people who seek peace, with lambasting the poor for …

Jesus Feeds the Multitude–A Miracle Retold

December 31, 2010 10 Comments

It was one of those epiphany moments. It was an instant in which everything came into clearer view. Something I always thought I knew and understood suddenly shifted into focus. The outcome was the same, however the details of the process were different. More importantly, my view of the message and purpose of Jesus shifted …