Evidence Based Foods for Fighting Cancer

January 16, 2022 0 Comments

Every time I’ve made a significant diet/lifestyle change, it was because I reconnected with what motivates me to choose health. I’ve been on and off the proverbial wagon more times than I can count. I’ve gained and lost the same 25 pounds probably a dozen or more times in my life. It can be a …

What We Eat

January 8, 2022 0 Comments

Some of the most popular posts on social media are the “What We Eat In A Day” posts. For many, the thought of making a drastic dietary change is overwhelming because they truly have no idea what they will eat if they don’t consume animal products and oil. If that is you, then this post …

Redefining January 6th

January 6, 2022 4 Comments

January 6th has always had special significance. It was the day a beautiful lady, my mother Carolyn was born. She would have been 80 years old today had a nasty brain tumor called a glioblastoma not taken years off of her life in 2019. She was truly a smart and beautiful woman. My husband has …

Embracing Heart Health

December 31, 2021 4 Comments

It’s time to return to writing. Almost four years is way to much time between posts. I’ve held three different jobs since the last time I wrote anything on this site. My mother died of a brain tumor in that time. My husband had triple bypass. A daughter got married. Another daughter is expecting our …

How Do You Want to Feel?

March 28, 2018 0 Comments

How do you want to feel? What are you willing to do to experience that feeling? That’s the premise of Danielle LaPorte’s book The Desire Map, which is featured as part of my favorite books list to the right. In it, Danielle guides the reader through a process of brainstorming a list of feeling words …

My Delusion to Inspire

March 27, 2018 0 Comments

When I was a freshman music major back in 1986/87, there were two things I figured out. The first was how much I hated spending my afternoons in the cramped closets that were the music practice rooms. The second was how much I loved my Fundamentals of Physical Fitness class that all students were required …

SIMPLE Conference Day 3 Part 3

October 16, 2014 0 Comments

Tuesday afternoon’s break out session with Dr. Kreitzer focused on Integrative Nursing, which is a way of being, doing, and knowing that advances the health and wellbeing of people, families, and communities through caring and healing relationships. She shared the six principles of integrative nursing along with nursing care practices for each: 1) Human beings …

SIMPLE Conference Day 3 Part 2

October 16, 2014 0 Comments

Our Tuesday afternoon sessions included talks on the growth and future of integrative medicine education , the role of herbal medicine, and cultivating well-being in our lives, along with a break out session on integrative nursing, which of course is exactly where I needed to be. With topics like these, you can see why I …

SIMPLE Conference Day 3 Part 1

October 14, 2014 2 Comments

My alarm went off way too early this morning because I stayed up way to late last night typing. Tonight I am suffering from nerve damage to my index finger and thumb from gripping my pen insanely tight today as I frantically tried to take notes. One session was during lunch, and the salmon trumped …

2014 SIMPLE Conference Day 2

October 13, 2014 0 Comments

Day 2 of the SIMPLE Conference started at 5:30 AM. Last night was way too short, but there is no way I’m going to miss a single thing, so this body was out of bed, dressed, and sitting in a meditation circle at 6:30 AM. That meditation lady must have known I had some people …